
Bugs & Bugs: DARPA, bug bounties & thousands of bees

Facebook Live stream captures latest news on computer bugs & real insects
  • Bob Brown (Network World)
  • 11 August, 2016 06:03

Black Hat & Def Con provided plenty of fodder for our new installment of Bugs & Bugs, as seen in our Facebook Live stream on the latest news about computer bugs and real insects.

Network World's Bob Brown and Tim Greene discussed, as you can see in the saved edition of the video below, new research that shows affluent communities tend to attract more different species of insects and other arthropods -- and that's a good thing. We also explored the DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge that took place in Las Vegas on the eve of Def Con and resulted in a $2M first prize for the grand winner of this computer-on-computer Capture the Flag contest.

We also discussed new bug bounty programs from Apple (See: Apple's bug bounty program favors quality over quantity) and Kaspersky (See: Black Hat: Kaspersky is seeking white hats), as well as swarming bees in Oklahoma City outside of a Walmart store.