Stories by Michael Crawford

Prevention shapes tools of choice

Tools of detection no longer cut it, Security's focus now is prevention. Michael Crawford reports on a range of technologies boasting the ability to detect, prevent and ultimately, protect against attack before it damages the business.

Wireless heads for pricing war

A price war between wireless vendors is unfolding across the globe but is unlikely to reach Australian shores until 2005.

Travel sales boom online

Despite some online retailers struggling to gain traction on the Internet, one sweet spot that has emerged is a budding online travel industry.

Retailers pull their online presence as sales plummet

Little more than an effective catalogue, the Internet is necessary only to educate people on product range and is now a shopping "fairytale", according to the country's biggest retailers, despite statistics that show Australians are confident online.

Trans-tasman digital archive sets new standard

Public record institutions across Australia and New Zealand will spend more than $6 million establishing a massive digital library that will be used as an international standards benchmark.

Qld checks out smart licences

More than 2.5 million Queenslanders could soon become a walking database of personal details and private information should the introduction of a 'smartcard' driver's licence be given the green light.

Outdated CSO redundant

The title of chief security officer (CSO) is antiquated, outdated and irrelevant, according to Secure Pathways CEO and CTO Jim Southworth.

Spyware annoys, not threatens, IT managers

Despite the alarming statistics and doomsday warnings about spyware in recent months, Australian IT managers claim it has only hit a small percentage of their user base with few signs of malicious intent.

Business group pushes benefits of IT

Business is still reluctant to invest in IT because vendors are not effectively demonstrating the benefits of technology and delivering ROI, according to the NSW Chamber of Commerce.

Government drops gold

The federal government has developed a new site to provide information about its organizational structure and key people to contact.
