
antivirus - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Researcher warns "zombie browsers" are skyrocketing

    Some Web browsers can be tricked into using so-called "malicious extensions" that can give hackers the ability to hijack the user's session, spy on webcams, upload and download files, and in the newer mobile-device area, hack into Google Android phones.

  • For Android, paid mobile security is better: Study

    As with your computer, the best defense against malware is a good offense in the form of security software. Paid mobile security apps are much better at detecting malware in Android devices than free antivirus applications, according to a study by AV Test today. If your business relies at all on smartphones, make sure that you and your employees are protected with the right mobile security package.

  • German officials admit to deploying intercept software

    Officials in a number of German state governments have owned up to using the Quellen-TKÜ Trojan Horse software in criminal investigations to intercept encrypted telecommunications on PCs. At least one state said it has suspended use of the software, after the Chaos Computer Club discovered that it could be controlled by anyone, not just law enforcement officers.

  • Firefox advises users to disable McAfee plugin

    It's the last thing McAfee would want users to hear about one of its products, but the Firefox browser is advising users to disable McAfee's ScriptScan software, saying that it could cause "stability or security problems."

  • Malwarebytes preps enterprise edition of PC-cleaning software

    Malwarebytes this fall expects to release an enterprise-grade anti-malware platform that it says doesn't compete directly with traditional antivirus software because it relies more on observing how the malware acts and less on seeking code signatures.

  • Mac Defender malware: A survival guide for OS X users

    Apple says it has a fix in the works for the Mac Defender fake antivirus app that has plagued a surprising number of Mac users in recent weeks. The company recently posted a Mac Defender support page explaining how you can remove the malware from your system. Apple also says it will roll out an OS X software update to protect Mac users from future attacks.
