company news - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • How Steve Jobs changed mobility

    It's no dispute that Steve Jobs' influence on technology has been far and wide. However, in reflection, one could say he single-handedly transformed and redefined mobility in the 21st century, in a way no other technology company or individual has done.

  • Five ways you should be using LinkedIn

    With 120 million users, LinkedIn has become for business professionals what Facebook has long been for everyday consumers. It's increasingly rare, in fact, to meet a professional contact who isn't on the site.

  • UPDATED: Netgear CEO goes ape on Apple

    CEOs, like children, squabble sometimes, and publicly rail against one another in the name of corporate positioning. But usually the dueling suits occupy the same product market, or are somehow competing. This doesn't appear to be the case with the global chairman and CEO of Netgear, Patrick Lo, who for no clear reason attacked Steve Jobs and Apple in the Australian press. And instead of bolstering Netgear's reputation, Lo's comments came off smug, cruel and confused.
