management - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Cisco to acquire LineSider for cloud tech

    Muscling up on cloud technologies, Cisco Systems is in the process of acquiring network management software vendor LineSider Technologies, the company announced Wednesday.

  • Who will build the next enterprise architects?

    Bringing the next generation of enterprise architects up to speed won't be an easy task. While most experts agree that the job is a critical one, given the corporate emphasis building business infrastructure in the most technically efficient way, training these future experts has proven difficult. 

  • Why one company is ditching sales laptops for iPads

    In the next few months, Jeff Letasse, vice president of IT for Conceptus, will hand out more than 220 iPads to every salesperson in the company. He plans to wean them off of their trusty laptops and PDAs, with the hope of never having to buy another laptop for a salesperson again.

  • Enterasys rolls out data center manager

    Enterasys Networks this week is unveiling a management system designed to provide visibility, automation and control over physical and virtual data center resources.

  • 5 tips for the new tech support pro

    There are two types of tech support professionals. There's the one who, responding to a call for help, brusquely shoves the individual aside, fixes the issue, then leaves without saying a word. Or there's the type who takes time and understands that computers are something the client simply doesn't get.

  • Novell upgrades Zenworks PC management features

    Novell has released a new version of its Zenworks PC management suite, consolidating separate applications through a new unified administrative console, and adding a range of features including awareness of the end user's identity and location.

  • Oracle expands systems management suite

    In an effort to ease the complexity of system administration, Oracle has expanded its Enterprise Manager software to include servers, operating systems, networking gear and virtual environments, the company announced Tuesday.

  • Social networking can make or break a brand

    The power and pervasiveness of social networks has been further thrust into the public consciousness in recent weeks with the huge critical and commercial success of the film ‘The Social Network’, which chronicles the turbulent rise of Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, from awkward student to internet billionaire.

  • Complexity of IT systems will be our undoing

    Roger Sessions, CTO of ObjectWatch and an expert in software architecture, argues that the increasing complexity of our IT systems will be our undoing.  In fact, he just recently got a patent for a methodology that helps deal with complex IT systems. Network World Editor in Chief John Dix recently caught up with Sessions to get his take on the extent of the problem and possible solutions.

  • iPad enterprise invasion and security risks

    IT organisations have come to a stunning realisation: There is no stopping the great iPad enterprise invasion. Risks abound as companies must deal with securing iPad apps without much help from Apple, says Julie Palen, senior VP of mobile device management at Tangoe, a telecom expense management software and services provider.
