non-Windows - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Ubuntu will adopt Wayland Graphics System

    Hard on the heels of Canonical's controversial decision to use the 3D-enabled Unity interface in its desktop Ubuntu operating system came word late last week that it will also adopt a new graphics system.

  • 10 reasons open source is good for business

    With the many business and government organizations that now use open source software such as Linux, it's becoming increasingly clear that price is not the only advantage such software holds. If it were, companies that adopted it during the Great Recession would surely have switched back to the expensive proprietary stuff as soon as conditions began to ease, and that's clearly not the case.

  • New Linux software targeted at schools

    A Canadian company called Userful claims that it has open source alternative for education establishments faced by the high cost of Windows Multipoint servers: Userful MultiSeat Linux 2011.

  • Boost your geek cred with the Linux credit card (really)

    What is the coolest thing for a Linux fan to carry in their pocket? Why, the new Linux Tux credit card! The Linux Foundation teamed up with UMB Bank and CardPartner Inc. to create the Linux-branded Visa card. It's pretty much your typical credit card, except that, by applying for the card, you are also helping to promote Linux.

  • 5 things to do first with Ubuntu

    Ubuntu 10.10, or Maverick Meerkat, is proving to be one of the best, most user-friendly distributions of the Linux operating system ever seen, so it's no wonder that businesses and individuals are adopting the new operating system in growing numbers every day.

  • Is Unity the right interface for desktop Ubuntu?

    Canonical shook the Linux world yesterday when it announced that the next version of Ubuntu -- "Natty Narwhal," or version 11.04 -- will no longer use the GNOME interface by default. Instead, Natty will feature Unity, the multitouch and 3D-enabled interface that made its debut earlier this month in the distribution's netbook edition of Maverick Meerkat, or Ubuntu 10.10.

  • 4 reasons to give Linux Mint 10 a try

    Canonical's newly released Ubuntu 10.10 -- or "Maverick Meerkat" -- may still be dominating the headlines in the Linux world these days, but it's by no means the only excellent distribution of the open source operating system. Following just behind Ubuntu on DistroWatch's list of popularity, in fact, is not just Fedora, at No. 2, but also -- of particular interest this week -- Linux Mint.
