voice recognition

voice recognition - News, Features, and Slideshows


  • Voice 'fingerprints' may plug call-center security leaks

    You've heard such stories. Mat Honan, a reporter for Wired magazine had almost his entire digital life erased when a fraudster used social media account information to trick Apple and Google into allowing him access to Honan's account information.

  • What makes Siri special?

    If you ask Siri, the virtual personal assistant on the iPhone 4S, why it's so great, it answers with disarming humility: 'I am what I am.'

  • Five things Apple needs to do to improve Siri

    Siri and I just met a few days ago. I think we're getting along pretty well so far (although she seems to get a bit testy and sarcastic when I ask her to "open the pod bay doors."). As great as Siri seems, though, Apple is calling this a beta and I can see why.

  • What Google's Rubin doesn't understand about Siri

    The head of Google's Android mobile OS, Andy Rubin, doesn't think your smartphone should be your personal assistant. In comments made during an interview at the AsiaD conference this week, Rubin downplayed the impact of Siri -- the voice interactive personal assistant included with the iPhone 4S.

  • Google Maps adds voice search to Chrome Desktop

    If you talk to your desktop PC, it's probably for all the wrong reasons -- usually to hurl expletives at the machine for not working properly. Well, users of the desktop version of Google Chrome now have a more productive reason to get chatty with their computers. Google has added voice search for Google Maps to Chrome, offering users a (sometimes) faster way to get directions.

  • Nuance deal could be game changer for Apple's iOS 5

    Rumor has it that Apple is engaged in serious negotiations with Nuance. A potential deal between Apple and Nuance suggests that Apple is aggressively pursuing new voice recognition capabilities for iOS 5.

  • Speech recognition: Your smartphone gets smarter

    When we were kids, my friends and I used to play a game where we fantasized about which technologies from Star Trek were most likely to be real-world inventions within our lifetimes. The transporter and warp drive -- not likely. But the communicator, the voice-commanded computer and the universal translator -- very likely.

  • Is VOIP secure?

    USANomad asked the Answer Line forum if people can eavesdrop on Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOID) phone calls.

  • HTML5 may help Web pages talk, listen

    Sometime in the near future, users might not only read Web pages but hold conversations with them as well, at least if a new activity group in the W3C (World Wide Consortium) bears fruit.
