BMC Software Australia Whitepapers

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Cloud benefits for ITSM service management
By BMC Software Australia | 16/3/2015

The adoption of cloud-based solutions demands that the business take a look at the skills needed for success, the delivery channels that must be realigned, and the potential effects on the business. This whitepaper looks at: the reasons service delivery via the cloud can adversely affect IT’s ability to meet an organisation’s needs, why the market has been and will continue to be inundated with a plethora of ITSM vendors creating solutions dedicated to supporting cloud-based service management, which benefits an organisation can achieve by moving to a cloud-based environment

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FINANCIAL TRANSPARENCY: The Starting Point for Cloud Computing
By BMC Software Australia | 15/9/2010

Like many IT executives, you might be considering cloud computing as a way to costeffectively deliver IT services to the business. You’re not alone. IDC predicts that revenue from IT cloud services will grow from $17.4 billion in 2009 to $44.2 billion in 2013; this is a five-year annual growth rate of 26 percent, which is more than six times the rate of traditional IT offerings.1 (These figures do not include spending for private cloud deployments. They only include information for public IT cloud services offerings.) While cloud service providers are poised to reap these forecasted revenues, enterprise IT organizations also anticipate financial advantages from cloud computing.

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Reaching for the Clouds: Achieving the Business Benefi ts of Cloud Computing
By BMC Software Australia | 15/9/2010

Increase flexibility, lower costs, and more effectively meet the needs of the business with BSM for Cloud Computing. By any measure, the hype around Cloud computing has reached nearly deafening levels. However, behind the wall of hype lies a fundamentally straightforward concept — one that’s been percolating for many years in the IT world. Cloud computing is an architecture that enables IT organizations to parcel out portions of a shared pool of hardware and so ware resources to users through an automated, self-service request system.

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Four Strategies for Moving to the Cloud
By BMC Software Australia | 15/9/2010

Cloud computing is a major departure from the traditional IT service delivery model. Services are no longer tied to dedicated hardware silos. Instead, virtualized resources — servers, network devices, and storage — are abstracted from the hardware. They move freely about the infrastructure, delivering services when and where they are needed. But this doesn’t mean that you have to completely reinvent IT to implement cloud computing.

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