BMC Australia Whitepapers

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By BMC Australia | 26/7/2017

It’s no secret that CEOs across North America and Europe have been marshal-ing forces for digital transformation in a high-stakes battle to ward off ambitious insurgents, maintain market share and address the changing demands of today’s customers. This is a once-in-a-generation challenge for any business leader, but it’s not the whole story. Behind the scenes, a fourth imperative is being added to the list of transformation considerations—combating modern cybercriminals.

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IDC MaturityScape: Multicloud Management 1.0
By BMC Australia | 5/7/2017

This IDC study is the IDC MaturityScape for multicloud management. After reading this study, IT decision makers will be equipped to effectively evaluate the existing maturity of their organisation's cloud management tools, processes, and governance models and will be able to create a collaborative process to harness internal best practices and available services and tools in ways that best promote business agility and innovation.

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Five Best Practices for APM in the Digital Economy
By BMC Australia | 5/7/2017

Gain an app-centric view of infrastructure to optimise end-user experience.

This e-book presents five best practices for APM to enable this app-centric view of infrastructure.

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