Catalyse Digital Whitepapers

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Hidden Levers You Can Pull to Reduce IT Costs and Improve Your Credibility
By Catalyse Digital | 4/4/2018

As a professional involved in cost management, you need to be aware of the often-overlooked levers for improving technology cost management and reductions. An integrated approach that combines the outcomes from these hidden levers will help improve the overall outcomes from the activities.

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Creating a top class Digital platform – the AIOps way
By Catalyse Digital | 4/4/2018

Creating a top class digital platform that provides for a great user experience and one that continuously improves its performance, is every digital technologist’s dream. Getting into every user’s mind and seeing the application through their eyes, could be a great first step in this quest. However, in the absence of these psychic skills, a Digital user Experience Management (DEM) solution that is based on Artificial Intelligence for IT Operations (AIOps), could be the next best option that you could rely on.

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