F5Labs Whitepapers

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The hunt for IOT | The networks building deathstar-sized botnets from IOT minions
By F5Labs | 19/7/2017

For over a year now, F5 Labs and our data partner, Loryka, have been monitoring the ongoing hunt by attackers to find vulnerable IoT devices they can compromise. In our first report, DDoS’s Newest Minions: IoT Devices, our research proved what many security experts had long suspected: IoT devices were highly vulnerable to exploit, the level of interest in exploiting them was high, and distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks using these devices were already occurring. Our findings and conclusions in Volume 11 rang true, and the new numbers show even steeper growth than we had imagined.

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How quantum computing will change browser encryption
By F5Labs | 19/7/2017

The NSA’s Information Assurance Directorate left many people scratching their heads in the winter of 2015. The directive instructed those that follow its guidelines to postpone moving from RSA cryptography to elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) if they hadn’t already done so.

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How threat intelligence can be the game changer for your security program
By F5Labs | 19/7/2017

Cyber security has been a work in progress for decades. As security pros, we’ve learned a lot about how to defend our networks. We have more tools at our disposal than ever before. And for the first time in history, we are receiving tangible support from upper management for security work. We’ve never had it so good, right? Yet, we feel more helpless than ever. Most of the time, we’re overwhelmed and feel like we’re perpetually playing catch up.

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