NAB suffers Internet banking outage

Follows last month's issues with Transact online payment service

National Australia Bank (NAB) has apologised for an outage which meant customers could not access its website or use Internet banking.

The outage occurred this afternoon. NAB tweeted that Internet banking services were back up and running.

“We’re really sorry for the trouble,” said the bank.

In June, NAB was forced to apologise for ongoing problems with its Transact online payment service including log-in issues and slow performance.

A service upgrade was performed on June 2 to improve Transact's capacity and security. However, during this upgrade of services, the platform was unavailable at times.

"Over recent weeks our NAB Transact customers have been experiencing issues with NAB Transact services, including log-in issues, time-outs and/or slow performance," stated an open letter issued by the bank on June 2.

“Improving the stability and performance of NAB Transact is our primary concern. We also know that the issues with Transact are having flow-on affects for your customers,” read the letter.

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