Fujitsu appoints new CEO

Former head of AT&T Easylink, Philip Kerrigan, has been appointed CEO of Fujitsu Australia.

Kerrigan replaces Neville Roach who will remain with the company as non-executive chairman of Fujitsu Australia, and advisor to Fujitsu Japan.

Kerrigan said he was very pleased to have been selected for "one of the best jobs in the industry.

"I'll be inheriting a strong organisation from Neville and his team, and I look forward to working with them to grow our market presence and to participate in the exciting new business opportunities that are emerging today," he said.

Roach, the former chairman and CEO of Fujitsu Australia, said he was pleased that the long and arduous process of selecting a new executive had come to a successful conclusion.

Prior to Fujitsu - where he will take up his position in January - Kerrigan was chief executive of AT&T Easylink, Pacific region managing director for Data General and general manager at Wang Australia.

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