A terabyte in the palm of your hand: Buffalo's LinkStation Mini

Doctor Who would love this drive -- it's small on the outside and spacious on the inside

Buffalo’s LinkStation Mini is a compact, fan-less NAS device

Buffalo’s LinkStation Mini is a compact, fan-less NAS device

The LinkStation is a little faster than Western Digital's ShareSpace but not by much and not always. For example, copying a collection of 4,661 files and folders (8.05GB) to the Mini took 11.4 minutes. That's two minutes quicker than the ShareSpace. However, both drives needed about 11 minutes to copy the same files back to the original system.

When I tried to copy two sets of files from two different PCs to the device, the ShareSpace took 33 minutes. The Mini, however, was unable to complete the test; I gave up after over after 45 minutes, when Windows onscreen timer indicated that five-plus hours still remained. This makes sense, sort of. Neither the ShareSpace nor the LinkStation Mini is meant to be anything more than consumer-grade NAS boxes. They're not meant to be in a transactional environment where data is written and read rapidly on a near continuous basis, and they behave badly if you attempt to use them as such.

On the other hand, when I streamed movies from the Mini onto four PCs while writing this review, there were no delays or hiccups.

As with the ShareSpace, Buffalo's LinkStation Mini is a great home appliance -- especially where space is a bit limited. Its 1TB of storage is phenomenal given its petite stature. You can get the 500GB version for about US$210 less than the 1TB's (roughly) $480, but 1TB in the palm of your hand? How can you resist?

Bill O'Brien is a freelance writer who has written a half-dozen books and more than 2,000 articles on computers and technology, including Apple computers, PCs, Linux and commentary on IT hardware decisions.

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