iPad mopping up sales for Apple

Apple announces one million iPads sold, 28 days after it hit the shelves

Apple is reporting sales of its iPad device have crashed through the one million mark

Apple is reporting sales of its iPad device have crashed through the one million mark

Sales of the iPad have bashed through the one million mark just 28 days after the device first became available in the US.

The milestone was acheived faster than the manufacturer's popular smartphone, the iPhone.

“One million iPads in 28 days—that’s less than half of the 74 days it took to achieve this milestone with iPhone,” Aplle chief executive officer, Steve Jobs, said in a statement. “Demand continues to exceed supply and we’re working hard to get this magical product into the hands of even more customers.”

Apple is also claiming more than 12 million iPad app downloads and 1.5 million e-books from its iBookstore. However, some developers have warned there will be a premium for iPad apps for some time.

(Read more on How the iPad works.)

On the first day of the iPad's availability, Apple boasted sales of 300,000 - more than the 270,000 iPhones sold in the first two days the smartphone hit the stores.

In mid-April, Apple said it would delay the release of the iPad to the Australian market until the end of May as a result of the strong US demand.

Telcos Optus, Telstra, Vodafone Australia and 3 Mobile have confirmed they will all offer plans for the device when it is officially released.

The latest sales figures from Apple come on the back of strong financial reports and news global iPhone shipments rose 131 per cent during the first quarter this year over the same period in 2009.

(In pictures: iPhone OS 4.0.)

Boosted by an increase in iPhone and Mac shipments, Apple reported a 90 percent increase in quarterly profits two weeks ago. The company reported net profit of $US3.07 billion for the three months to 27 March, just under double that of the same quarter in 2009.

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