LinuxOne releases hard drives

In an attempt to draw new users to the Linux operating system, software company LinuxOne this week released two hard drives with the company's Linux OS distribution pre-installed.

The two drives - 13.5G byte and 17.3G byte - are designed to draw new users to the operating system by removing what many see as the largest obstacle, the installation, the company said in a statement.

The LinuxOne installation includes the Gnome and KDE desktop environments, multimedia support, development tools, spreadsheet and word processing applications.

The 13.5G byte drive, an IBM Ultra-DMA66 7200 rpm drive, with a 2M byte buffer, is priced at $US169.95. The 17.3G byte Fujitsu Ultra-DMA66 5400 rpm drive is priced at $199.95. Both drives have a three year warranty and include a backup CD of the LinuxOne distribution, the company said.

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