SA Government pens eight-year deal with Salmat

Under the partnership, Salmat will deliver a land management system over the next three years

The South Australian Government has inked an eight-year deal with Salmat for land information management services.

The deal will include a land information management system within a three-year period with an aim to improve the state’s land administration and management.

Salmat’s chief executive, Grant Harrod, said the Integrated Land Information System (ILIS) would provide single system for land management, information gathering and the execution of the land transactions for government and the public.

The system, designed for governments and land registries, will be used to register land interest, deliver survey accurate geospatial data, and record property usage.

The ILIS can also be linked to a data and image repository that provides satellite and aerial photography, cadastral data, lodgement or dealing images and specific information about services including utilities and building permits.

The system was developed by the Northern Territory Government Department of Lands and Planning, then was commercialised in a deal with Salmat. In addition to South Australia and the Northern Territory, the ILIS is also used by the Australian Capital Territory.

A Salmat spokesperson would not speculate on the cost of the deal.

As reported by Computerworld Australia, the company recently lost a significant contract with Telstra (ASX:TLS), which resulted in the redundancy of 740 call centre employees across the three regional areas of Bundaberg, Geelong and Wagga Wagga, and the metropolitan centre in Surry Hills.

Telstra also ended a major contract with Vertex, leaving up to 250 jobs to be dismissed at a call centre in East Bentleigh, Melbourne.

Australian Services Union (ASU) Victoria branch secretary, Ingrid Stitt, told Computerworld Australia at the time that it believed the Vertex jobs would go offshore.

Follow Chloe Herrick on Twitter: @chloe_CW

Follow Computerworld Australia on Twitter: @ComputerworldAU

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Tags businessSA GovernmentSalmatIntegrated Land Information System (ILIS)Salmat CEO Grant Harrod

More about Arizona State UniversityAustralian Services UnionNorthern Territory GovernmentSalmatSouth Australian GovernmentTelstra CorporationVertex

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