Acquia open sources iOS Drupal publishing app

Posts Drupal Create code on GitHub

Acquia has open sourced the code for Drupal Create: an iOS app designed to let users post content on sites that use the Drupal platform.

The Drupal-services company has posted the code for Drupal Create on GitHub with a BSD-like licence.

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The Drupal Create code served as a base for the iOS app Acquia released for publishing content on its hosted Drupal Gardens service.

“Drupal has thousands of community-contributed modules and themes. With this release, Acquia is kick-starting development of mobile content publishing apps for Drupal,” Drupal co-creator and Acquia co-founder, Dries Buytaert, said in a statement.

The app is based on the iOS SDK for Drupal created by WorkHabit.

Acquia earlier this year boosted its Australian headcount, and still has a number of open positions for its Australian operation.

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