Edge for Mac leaks; Beta build for Windows 10 quickly follows

Microsoft is in the midst of revamping the browser, which will soon be based on the same open-source Chromium technologies that run Google Chrome.

Credit: Microsoft

Mac versions of Microsoft's Edge browser leaked this week, as did the first Beta build for Windows 10.

Microsoft has yet to officially launch any version of its reworked browser other than Canary and Dev for Windows 10, which went public a month ago.

Frequent Windows leaker WalkingCat, also known by his Twitter account @h0x0d, tweeted the download links for the Canary and Dev builds of Edge on macOS on May 6. A day later, @ADeltaForce revealed the download location for the Windows 10's Beta.

Like Google Chrome - also based on open-source Chromium technologies - Edge releases in multiple builds representing increasingly more polished and stable versions of the browser. Canary, the least reliable, is updated daily, while the Dev version refreshes weekly. Beta and Stable builds appear every six weeks.

Edge has yet to reach Stable, and Microsoft has not disclosed a timetable for when the browser will. Edge is also slated to be available for Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 at some point.

The Dev and Beta versions on Windows 10 identified themselves as and, respectively, indicating that Microsoft is now working with Chromium's version 75. Google's Stable build upgraded to version 74 two weeks ago, and its Beta was promoted to 75 last Thursday (specifically version 75.0.3770.18).

In Chrome's cadence, which Microsoft intends to replicate with Edge, a new Stable build normally appears about four to five weeks after the same version number has reached Beta. (Chrome 75 Stable is slated to debut June 4, four and a half weeks after its launch in Beta.) If Edge were on a standard schedule - it's not - and the Beta was given to Insider participants tomorrow, it would probably hit Stable on June 11.

It won't; Microsoft hasn't said anything definitive about a launch date.

edge beta Microsoft

A Beta build for Edge on Windows 10 leaked Tuesday, showing that Microsoft's making progress on the 'full-Chromium' transition.

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