Siemens integrates US server business into Amdahl

Siemens' US computer systems group is going to be merged into Amdahl, a subsidiary of Tokyo-based Fujitsu, the companies announced last week.

The deal will give Siemens and Amdahl an expanded presence in the US IT market, the companies said in a joint statement, and broaden their product portfolios.

In addition, with this move in the US, Siemens has reached its goal of no longer "going it alone" in the computer business, said Peter Gottal, a Siemens spokesman in Munich.

"There is no server or PC that is now sold with just the Siemens name on it," he said.

Amdahl makes mainframe computers, storage systems and software and offers consulting services, while Siemens' US computer systems group makes high-end servers.

Under the joint agreement, Amdahl will incorporate Siemens' Primergy server family, which is based on an Intel architecture, and its Unix-based Reliant servers into its own product portfolio. Siemens will also contribute 65 US employees to Amdahl.

Starting immediately, Amdahl will also market and sell Fujitsu Siemens Computers products in North America, the companies said. Fujitsu Siemens Computers, which combines Fujitsu Computers Europe and the Siemens Computer Systems division, opened its doors in October.

The US move represents a further broadening of the relationship between Amdahl parent Fujitsu and Siemens. The two struck a global sales and marketing agreement in June that is centered around setting up a European joint venture.

Siemens will continue to support its US customer base and Fujitsu Siemens Computers products sold in the US through its IT services business, which is part of Siemens Information and Communication Products LLC, the companies said.

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More about AmdahlFujitsuFujitsu Computers EuropeFujitsu SiemensIntelSiemensSystems Group

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