Stories by Paul Glen

Job satisfaction: It's highly overrated

Few managers are genuinely surprised when the results of an employee satisfaction survey are revealed. You really don't need the science of statistics to know that people aren't entirely pleased with every aspect of their work lives.

Stop ‘gathering’ IT requirements

Over the years, I’ve come to the conclusion that one of the most destructive notions circulating inside technical groups involves “gathering requirements”. So now that our success rate for IT projects has risen to the still-dismal level of about 25 per cent, perhaps we should question some of this time-honoured wisdom.

Think like an archaeologist

If you'd like your IT projects and department to run more efficiently and effectively, you probably need to develop a keen appreciation for the work of archaeologists. That's right, real archaeologists. I'm not talking about the Indiana Jones variety of adventurous grave robbers, but of those men and women who spend their summers patiently digging in the dirt with trowels, dental picks and paintbrushes looking for sticks, stones and bones.

Nurture the new project manager

Can you imagine a subordinate lending a sympathetic ear to his newly promoted supervisor? What would he say? "Well, boss, I see that you're having a difficult time adjusting to your new power. That must be tough. I can really empathize with your difficulties. How can I help?"
