Stories by Sandra Rossi

Development company almost destroyed by spam

Hit by more than 7.5 million spam e-mails in a single day, the Melbourne-based Aged Care Software Group, watched in horror as the onslaught of spam crashed its Web server and almost put the company out of business.

SAP formally appoints CEO for A/NZ

Former Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for TMP Worldwide in the Asia Pacific region, Tim Ebbeck, has formally been appointed CEO for SAP A/NZ.

Independent voice for newly created radio spectrum body

To ensure there is an independent voice on the federal government's new spectrum consultation body, Geoff Luther, has been appointed specialist industry advisor on the Radiocommunications Consultative Committee (RCC).

Data a competitive asset, not a necessary evil

Data should be viewed as a competitive asset rather than a necessary evil and is a business issue, not an IT matter, the research vice president at Gartner, Ted Friedman, said today.
