You can be Batman, too

The ultimate Batman fantasy gadgets


When you're out there saving the world (or your job), you need maximum situational awareness. The Timberland HT2 wristwatch gives you the time in several time zones, your altitude, the temperature and barometer readings, a stopwatch and even a compass (could you imagine Batman asking for directions?). Sure, you'll look like some kind of gearhead wearing this giant watch. But like all your other Bat-Gear, it's waterproof, rugged, black and wonderfully excessive.

When the Batman comic books were first published, the superhero's devices were pure science fiction. But it's 2008. We live in an age of incredible mobile devices that can give you amazing superpowers.

Sure, some are pricey. But you don't have to be a billionaire to buy them. Most of all, they're so cool and so useful that it would be a crime not to take advantage of them.

Mike Elgan writes about technology and global tech culture.Contact Mike at or his blog, The Raw Feed.

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