SkySQL joins ranks of MySQL support providers

The new company is headed up by MySQL's former senior vice president of global services

MySQL users now have another choice for support besides Oracle, which acquired the open-source database through its purchase of Sun Microsystems.

SkySQL plans to offer "enterprise class support & services for the MySQL ecosystem," according to its Web site. Its CEO is Ulf Sandberg, ex-senior vice president of global services at MySQL, and "all core members" of the company have also worked for MySQL.

The firm is now hiring in all areas, the site adds. Further information about its plans wasn't immediately available Friday.

SkySQL's formation earned a nod of approval from MySQL creator Michael "Monty" Widenius, who now runs Monty Program, a company focused on developing the MariaDB MySQL fork, as well as providing support for it and MySQL.

"I am happy to see that there is now another home for MySQL talent being formed where they can continue to do what they do best," Widenius wrote in a blog post Thursday. The trend will also ensure that "in spite of whatever happens with MySQL at Oracle, that there will continue to be high quality support and services around MySQL and MariaDB," he added.

Widenius and Monty Program don't have an active role in SkySQL, but the companies plan to partner, he said.

Concern from MySQL advocates such as Widenius prompted an extended review of the Oracle-Sun merger by European authorities. Widenius continued his advocacy Friday by filing an appeal of the now-completed deal in the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg.

In order to assuage regulators' concerns, Oracle issued a series of public pledges concerning MySQL, including that customers would not be required to purchase support from Oracle if they buy commercial licenses of MySQL.

Chris Kanaracus covers enterprise software and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. Chris's e-mail address is

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